Pyper Tool and Engineering DSF-N2-3000 300 Ton Unitized Frame Servo Press

"I thought a long-term strategy would be to have a servo press in our die shop so that we could perform research and development and come up with some new techniques."

In its 43,000 sq. ft. facility, Pyper Tool & Engineering Inc. designs and builds tooling to feed hungry North American and European automotive stampers who comprise the vast majority of the Grand Rapids, MI, company's customer base. For three years running, the company, established in 1979, has benefitted from the automotive boom, supplying chiefly progressive tooling to produce tight-tolerance instrument-panel and seating components. Besides supplying for customers that stamp mild and high-strength steel, Pyper Tool and its 62 employees operate across two shifts in creating tooling for aluminum stamping in ever increasing quantities. Automotive is the chief driver for the uptick in tooling for aluminum work.

Tool builder installs servo press to better serve customers

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